There’s something about Volcanoes, about Volcano eruptions, about the nation and world needing to be on red alert 09/07/2011
Apb, The RAM
-I created a post in these boards a months or so ago entitled Red Alert, Volcanoes, it was about a vision I received were the entirety of the US was fire red, just before I got the word Volcano, a few days later, there were eruptions in Hawaii and Alaska. I had a similar dream last night again about Volcanoes, about this extreme threat, surrounding volcano eruptions. In May, I also shared with you guys a post entitled Silence, literally two months before I discovered Elenin. This is where I strongly believed something cataclysmic and earth-shattering was upon us, an ELE, possibly the fulfillment of the sixth seal. That soon after my research after super earthquakes, as described behind the sixth seal of Revelation the sixth chapter. How it could very well be a super volcano, though I’ve come to learn, if there is an increase in Volcanic activity, there will as well be an increase in earthquake activity.
-I rose this morning and as I rose I said to myself if Jesus tarry, my grandchildren could die in these buildings, in the these school buildings, how they shouldn’t even be in school. That as I projected in these boards a month or so ago, the entire country should be on Red Alert, schools on recess for the time. I say for the time, but we’re facing an extinction level event any day now, I have no doubt, neither do few of our leaders, but they want us and our precious cargo, our children and grandchildren to go on as though all is normal. Just as so as normal when never before has the continuation of mankind been in such perils of cataclysmic proportional events continuously, and the emphasis is on continuously.
-I will give you an example, when I read on space, how comet Elenin was disintegrating into the sun mass, I said to myself, with this coma being described with an icy exterior, even mass. Just as so I said to myself, what if it being dissolved into the sun this way cause a sudden cooling trend? Remarkably at this time, just a week or so ago, we were in upper ninety degree weather, with a heat index of 105, since this event concerning Elenin has happen, we’re right now suddenly in mid seventies as highs, and mid fifties as lows going on two weeks now.
-Just before the Haiti quake I saw parents and grandparents burying their children and grand children alive, why? Because they won’t listen to warnings, just before the last major China quake that buried thousands of children Holy Spirits forewarn how we needed to get our children out of buildings, out of all buildings. How we needed to spend much quality time with our children, it was as though they knew something was happening that would claim mostly children. As so, just before the Japan quake, I saw bike riders, children with funeral reefs stretching into the sky on their handle bars. It is the forewarning given in 2001 for Americans to forget, or drop their pensions (wall street, banks, mortgages) and head for hills, why continue in the subterfuge of Satanic, Demonic and political dogma making mockery of all human life.
-Well magnify these alerts a thousand times and perhaps you’ll understand the forewarning I received just last night about especially Volcanoes, and just as so earthquakes. This great forewarning come only months behind looking into a dream where I saw this fact finding mission, it too was about volcanoes, where I heard one reply “something similar to Wyoming.” As so there’s something really major and over the top about getting a NOAA radio. Whether it’s Elenin, Nibiru, Beteguise or simply the destruction of Mystery Babylon (all present-day world-organization) (possibly a massive solar flare event) as described in Revelation 18th chapter. Something disastrously beyond anything we’re to think or believe as I write and you read, this way come, get to alters of sacrifice, (Jesus) repentance and reconciliation, (even those in your knees, your tongue), the only good death for man unto immortal life. Beware, Apb, The RAM
10,000 earth tremors recorded on German-Czech border
By chillymanjaro
– August 28, 2011
-A reported 10,000 earth tremors in ten days on German Czech border, the Germany Czech border area has been hit by an earthquake swarm with mainly very weak quakes, the strongest ones measuring 4.0 and 3.6. The earthquakes started their sequence on Tuesday. Cheb / Vogtland is a seismically active area where the seismographs did record a lot of activity (a lot of which cannot be felt by humans).
-The earthquake has been felt in a moderate area radius near a few dozen kilometers from the epicenter. Tremors felt by people in Karlovy Vary, Lower Zandov or Birch. In recent years, scientists have noted an increase in the movement of magma towards the earth’s surface in the Cheb Basin, western Czech Republic.
-They say rising magma could be one of the causes of the earthquake swarms, which regularly occur in the Vogtland, North-West Bohemia, the Fichtelgebirge and the Upper Palatinate. The last earthquake swarm to occur before this week’s activity was in 2008.
-The status of the Mount Tambora volcano on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa has been raised to the second-highest alert status as its activity has been increasing since April, the Jakarta Globe reported on Friday.
Residents who have spent most of their lives living on the slopes of the volcano remain unfazed despite the warnings from authorities and the rumblings they are increasingly feeling from underneath the earth, according to Syaifullah, the head of the Pekat subdistrict which lies on Tambora's hillside.
-Mount Tambora, which is responsible for the largest and deadliest volcanic eruption in recorded history, started showing signs of awakening in April. But in early August, it spewed thick white smoke 20 meters (66 feet) into the sky.
So far, Indonesian authorities have not ordered any evacuations and have only warned residents to be on alert. Two villages, Pancasila and Doro Pet, are particularly vulnerable as they are located within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of the volcano's peak which has a height of 4,300 meters (14,100 feet), making it the tallest in the Indonesian archipelago.
Seismic Activity Increases at Iceland’s Most Feared Volcano Katla, Europe and the world be forewarn…
-An increase in seismic activity with small earthquakes has been reported at Iceland's one of the largest volcanoes, but scientists on Tuesday said that there were no signs that the activity would trigger eruptions. "Although earthquakes in the surrounding area around Katla are common, yet there has been an unusual spike in earthquake swarms in recent days," University of Iceland geophysicist Pall Einarsson said. Iceland's Civil Protection Department has increased its monitoring of the Katla volcano, according to a statement on its Web site.
-"It's one of the most feared volcanoes, so we're closely monitoring it," Einarsson told Associated Press. "It's normal for earthquakes to be detected around Katla. What's a bit unusual is that we're seeing swarms of small earthquakes, some occurring every 10 minutes or so," he said. Ash from Iceland’s Grimsvotn volcano forced flight cancelations in Scotland, northern England and Germany in May. An eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in April last year caused the cancellation of more than 100,000 flights on concern glass-like particles formed from lava might melt in aircraft engines and clog turbines. Historically, Eyjafjallajokull has been known to erupt one to two years prior to Katla.
Volcano Activity Reports are available from:
the Smithsonian Institute (USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report)
and the VOLCANO mailing list
Week of: 24 August-30 August 2011
14 Active Volcanos BAGANA Bougainville (-6.14, 155.195) ETNA Sicily (Italy) (37.734, 15.004) KILAUEA Hawaii (USA) (19.421, -155.287) PAPANDAYAN Western Java (Indonesia) (-7.32, 107.73) RANAKAH Flores Island (Indonesia) (-8.62, 120.52) TAMBORA Sumbawa Island (Indonesia)(-8.25, 118) BATU TARA Komba Island (Indonesia) (-7.792, 123.579) KARYMSKY Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) (54.05, 159.45) KIZIMEN Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) (55.13, 160.32) LOKON-EMPUNG Sulawesi (1.358, 124.792) POPOCATEPETL México (19.023, -98.622) PUYEHUE-CORDON CAULLE Central Chile (-40.59, -72.117) SAKURA-JIMA Kyushu (31.585, 130.657) SHIVELUCH Central Kamchatka (Russia) (56.653, 161.36)
STRONG SOLAR ACTIVITY: Sunspot 1283 is crackling with solar flares. Yesterday, Sept. 6th, the active region produced an M5.3-class eruption at 0150 UT followed by a X2.1-class event at 2220 UT. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded this extreme UV flash from the X-flare:
The flares produced waves of ionization in Earth's upper atmosphere, briefly altering the propagation of low-frequency radio signals around our planet. Moreover, the two eruptions hurled clouds of plasma (CMEs) in our general direction. A preliminary analysis of SOHO and STEREO imagery suggests that the CMEs could sail substantially north of Earth, delivering a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field as they pass. ETA: Sept. 8-10. Stay tuned for updates.
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Come Out Of Her My People
A Voice Declaring: Somebody need to tell them, somebody need to warn them, to get to pastors, messages, ministers (repentant alters) of Jesus Christ, to learn of end time events, for a time of darkness is coming 1998/99
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: Praise Him, Where Grace Is
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
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