Monday, September 26, 2011

If You Say You Hath Not Sin

Prophecy Links:

There’s something about home invasions, about mass chaos, even explosions total and complete havoc on the map 09/09/2011

Forgive Us O God Psalm 51

-Like it was yesterday, I yet remember entering into my prayer closet after I’d memorized this entire prayer, I used it this day again in my closet to pray for Jimmy Swaggart. For the known leader who was standing on and before a world stage admitting he’d sinned, and asking not only God, but mankind to forgive him for his sins.
-I was a babe in Christ, the Swaggart ministry had been very beneficial to me and my growth in Christ Jesus. So much so when he admitted this trespass against God, I was lead by Holy Spirits to do one things, go into my closet and pray especially this particular prayer. It says everything and afterward there is nothing else that is to be said, Hallelujah to the Lamb, Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Host who hath Him.

Psalms 51 commentated by Jimmy Swaggart’s Expositor’s Bible, Do You Believe?

A Prayer for Forgiveness and Cleansing

(1). Have mercy upon us O God, according to thy loving kindness, according to thy tender mercies, blot out mine transgressions.

-(This is a Psalm of David, written when Nathan the Prophets came upon him after the sin with Bath-sheba and the murder of her husband Uriah (II Sam. Chapt. 12). This Psalm was given to David when his heart broken and contrite because of his sin against God, he pleading for pardon through the Atoning, Blood, of the Lamb of God, foreshadowed in Exodus, Chapter 12. Thus, he was not only fittingly provided with a vehicle of expression in Repentance and Faith, but he was also used as a channel of prophetic communication.

-David, in his sin, Repentance, and Restoration, is a fore-picture of Israel, For as he forshook the law and was guilty of adultery and murder, so Israel despised the Covenant, turned aside to Idolatry (spiritual adultery), and murdered the messiah.

-Thus the scope and structure of this psalm goes far beyond David. It predicts the future confession and forgiveness of Israel in the day of the messiah’s second coming, when looking upon them whom they pierced they shall mourn and weep. {Zechariah , Chpts. 12-13).

-As well this is even more perfectly a vivid portrayal of the intercessory work of Christ (Jesus) on behalf of His people. Even though David prayed this prayer, the son of David would make David sins, (as well as ours) His Own, and pray through Him that which must be said.

-This mean this is the truest prayer of repentance ever prayed, because it symbolizes the intercessory Work of the Son of David.)

(2). Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin

-(Man’s problem is sin, and man must admit that; the only remedy for sin is “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified,” to which David, in essence, appealed (Heb. 10:12); the Blood of Jesus Christ (not to be confused with churches, congregations and preachers preaching, Apb,) Jesus Christ alone cleanses from all sin (I Jn. 1:7).

(3). For I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin are ever before me

-(the acknowledgement of verses 3 and 4 is the condition of Divine Forgiveness, all sin, in essence, is committed against God, ; therefore, God demands that transgressions be acknowledged , placing the blame where it rightfully belong,----on the perpetrator ; (individual repentance) He (GOD) cannot and, in fact, will not, forgive sin that is not acknowledged and for which no responsible is taken).

(4). Against you, you only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight, that you might be justified when you speak, and be clear when you judge.

-(While David sin is against Bath-sheba, her husband Uriah, and all of Israel, stiil, the ultimate direction of sin, perfected (The American Dream, Apb,) by Satan, is always against God.

-All Sin is a departure from God’s ways, to man’s ways.

-David is saying that God is always “justified” in any action that he takes, and his “judgment” is always perfect.)…..(This to me is most phenomena, all sin is a departure from God, If the Holy Spirit had not made me understand this blessed truth and grace some twenty-five years ago, I probably wouldn’t only be dead, but I (this church goer) would definitely be in hell, because regardless of my faithful attendance my sins remain. This mean I had a better relationship with my pastor who couldn’t save me, than with my Christ, Jesus, all of mankind’s salvation, Apb).

(5). Behold I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.

-(Unenequivocally this verse proclaims that the fact of the original sin. This message that all are born in sin, and as a result of Adam’s all in the garden of Eden. When Adam, as the federal head of the human race, felled this mean, that all of humanity failed. It means that who would be born would, in effect be born lost.

-A s result of this, the second man, the last Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ has to come into this world, in effect, God becoming man, to undo what the original Adam did. He would have to keep the law of God perfectly, which he did, all as our substitute, and then pay the penalty for the terrible sin debt owed by all of mankind, for all had sinned broken the law, which he did by giving himself on the cross of Calvary. (St John. 3:16).

-To escape the judgment of original sin, man must be born again, “ which is carried out by the believing sinner expressing faith in Christ and what he did at the cross ( Jn. 3:3, Ephs. 2:8-9).

(6). Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts”, and in the hidden parts you shall make me to know wisdom,

(Man can only deal with the externals, and even that not very well; God alone can deal with the inward parts,” of man, which is the source of sin, which speaks of the heart; in other words, the heart has to be changed, which the Lord alone can do, (Mat. 5:8). (God forbid, though for this purpose many will open up their eyes in hell, because they simply could not confess themselves sinners and their hearts despitefully wicked unto cunning craftiness of evil, confess, be redeemed, Apb.)

(7). Purge me with hyssop and I shall be cleanse; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow,

-(The petition, purge me with hyssop, expresses a figure of speech, purge me with the blood, which on that night in Egypt was sprinkled on the doorposts which a bunch of hyssop (ex. 12:13-21) Portrays David’s independence on (the blood of the Lamb).”

-David had no recourse in the law, even as no one has recourse in the law. The law can only condemn. All recourse is found exclusively in Christ and what he did for us at the cross, of which the lamb and the blood on the doorpost in Egypt were symbols (ex. 12:13)

(8). Make me to hear joy and gladness that the bones which you have broken may rejoice.

-(Forgiveness for the past never exhausts the fullness of pardon. There is provision for the future.

-The expression, “bones which you have broken,” present a figure of speech, meaning that one cannot proceed until things have been made right with God. It is as though a man’s leg is broken and he cannot walk. Unforgiven sin immobilizes the soul the same as a broken bone immobilizes the body.)

(9). Hide your face from my sin, and blot out all mine iniquities.

-(Unforgiven sin stares in the face of God. This can only be stopped when the sins are put away, which can only be done by proper confession and repentance. With the blood of Jesus being applied by faith. When this is done, “the iniquities” are “blotted out” as though they’d never existed. This is justification by faith” (Rom. 5:1).

(10). Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

-(David’s heart was unclean. Sin makes the heart unclean. The word “create” is interesting.

-It means the old heart is infected by sin, is diseased) and cannot be salvaged. God must, spiritually speaking “create a clean heart,” (Eze. 18:31).

-Also, it is impossible for any individual to have a “right spirit” if there is unconfessed sin.) (This is why in my visitation to heaven, the prophet Ezekiel assisting me, behind one of three time-tested doors I witnessed the Supreme father remove the old hearts of the multitude before his throne, I thus witness him give them new hearts, hearts of unprecedented forgive and compassion, hearts of divine righteosness, Apb)

(11). Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me.

-(Your sin is unconfessed, and rebellion persist, God will ultimately cast away” the individual “from his presence.” He will also “take the Holy Spirit” from that person. This refute the doctrine of Unconditional Eternal Security.)

(12). Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation., and uphold me with your free spirit.

-(Part of the business of the Holy Spirit is, “restoration,” but only if the individual meets God’s conditions, as David did, and as we must do. With unconfessed sin, all” joy is lost, with sin confessed, clean, and put away, the joy of…salvation,” returns. A clean heart, a willing spirit, and a steadfast will are then given by the Holy Spirit.) (see Roman 12;1,2, learn it, eat it, digest it well, Apb))

(13). Then will teach transgressors your ways and sinners shall be converted unto you.

-(Before repentance David was in no condition to proclaim God’s truth to transgressors,” because he was a transgressor himself.

-Upon true repentance, David was now ready to teach and to preach. And the Holy Spirit attest to that. )

(14). (Deliver me from blood guiltiness , O God, you God of my salvation, and my tongue shall sing alone of your righteousness.

-(This refers to the terrible sin of having Uriah, the husband of Bath-sheba killed; (II Sam. 11:14-21).

-Only the consciously pardon sinner “can sing aloud” of God righteousness. Unpardoned men can speak of his mercy, but their thoughts about it are unholy thoughts. )

(15). O LORD, open you my lips; and my mouth shall show forth your praise,

-(proper praise to the lord cannot go forth as long as there is unconfessed sin.
-This is the reason for such little praise in most churches, and far to often the praise which actually is offer is hollow. True praise can only come from a true heart!)

(16). For desire not sacrifice; else would I give it: For, You delight not in burnt offering else would I give it.

-(No penance, sacraments, or lightly gifts of churches of men regarding expiation of passed sin, are desired are accepted by God. Only faith and trust in Christ in what he had done for us at the cross can be accepted by the Lord.

-Unfortunately, the worlds tries to create a new God, while the church tries to create another sacrifice. There is only one sacrifice for sin, Heb. 10:12.)

(17). The sacrifice of are a broken spirit: a contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

-(True repentance will always include a “broken spirit” and a broken and contrite heart.” Such alone will accept Christ and what Christ has done at the cross. God will accept nothing less.)

(18). Do nothing in your good pleasure unto Zion: Build you the walls of Jerusalem.

-(Verses 18-19, are not, as some think, a meaningless additional to the Psalm by some later writer. They both belong to structure and prophetic scope of the Psalm.

-David’s sin confession, and restoration illustrate this future in Israel’s history. With their idolatry; spiritual adultery, and murder forgiving, they will go forth as messengers of the gospel to win other nations to wholehearted faith and service in and for Christ.

-Unto Israel’s repentance, the Lord will once again “build you the walls of Jerusalem.”)

(19). Then shall you be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offerings, and whole burnt offerings: Then shall they offer bullocks upon your alter.

-(The sacrificial program under the old system was lawful because it points to the common redeemer.

-Since Christ and the cross they’re no longer necessary, and for all the obvious reasons why the symbol when the substance is available?

-Doing the millennial reign, the sacrificial system will be restored, but only as a memorial of what Christ has done at the cross, (Ezk., chapts. 40-48.)

From Jimmy Swaaggrt The Expositors Bible,

If We Say We Hath Not Sinned:

-As recorded in Mark 7:1-23, Jesus used the heartless religious leaders of this day judging he and his disciples of unwashed hands to describe the hereditary of the sin nature that little has to do with what we put in our bodies. Though does it gravely have to do with what come from the body, mankind’ s vital life and death organ yes, the seat bed of affections and emotions, as so that which determines mankind’s overall sinful nature, the heart.

-Jesus go on and say that it is not that which enters into man that which defiles him, because what goes into man (organically) come out through the draught, though which comes from man, out of his heart is that which provokes him to sin. This Christ went on to describe some of the heinous trespasses laying in wait of mankind’s heart with purpose to totally and completely corrupt human nature. Now people if sin is totally beguiling you, once and for all it is the, your birth upon heart, the unrepentance thereof.

-It’s what the living word of God mean when it declares all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, for as long as mankind sinful heart remain, his, their, mankind birth upon hereditary he cannot enter into God’s Kingdom. That as long as he say he hath no sin not only does he lie, but he’s rightly deceived, being the blood and thus sin heir of the first Adam lineage. Henceforth mankind must be born again, his heart of stone (rebellion) transformed by God, through Christ bloody Cross into a heart of flesh (unconditional love, righteousness), again and again repent ye. Beware, Apb, The RAM

Did You Know

From A Post, Aol

-Well Do you Citizen Rogue understand you are sin, not only from your mother's womb, but from the blood lineage of your first father, Adam? For All Hath Sin Rom. 3:23

-Do you then understand because of this curse of death you are an immortal, housed by temporal flesh pretending to be the ultimate savior of mankind (The American Dream) all to claim your immortal soul unto the second death, judgment and hell? It Is Appointed Unto Man Once To Die…Heb. 9:27

-Do you then know, that once mankind early father Adam felled, and was cursed to death, that when the creator God looked at this serpent. (Lucifer) . The one that fooled both of mankind's parents so, when He described a woman seed that was coming, that He was in all actuality describing how He Himself. Yes, how God himself would through the woman's womb alone, put on human flesh, that he may then take this curse of death, judgment and hell upon himself, slaying it like so, leading it all captived into heaven, that although those in Christ Jesus (God made Flesh) die, yet shall they for all eternity rise again to life, immortal? I will put enmity between thee and Woman Gen. 3:15, But When The Fullness Of Time Hath Come Gal. 4:4-6

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God (Jesus) was manifested in the flesh, justified in Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. I Tim. 3:16

-Although this verse of Scripture is describing Jesus Christ, is it as well describing God manifested in the flesh. That when it 's to declare God was seen of angels, this is because the heavenly host had never seen God in physical form before. The Holy Spirit and the woman seed/womb would create God into a physical, human form that we would recognize as Jesus The Christ.

-This is what the archangel Gabriel was explaining to mother Mary that once she received of the Holy Spirit, this child would be called Jesus, as he would save his people, (us), all believing to receive Jesus as Lord, mankind from their sins. Truly great is the is mystery of godliness revealed.

-This is why recently in this board I asked this stinging question, how as you picture the day of Jesus crucifixion, I need you to ask yourself. To then inquire of youself, which of these two condemned persons dying on each side of this beyond description Christ are you? For as the lineage of Adam you’re one or the other. So ask yourself, are you the lying, thieving, murderer making mockery of this blessed Lord whose condemnation will remain for all eternity? Or are you the thieving, lying, murderer now acknowledging Jesus as Lord Christ whose sins are immediately forgiven, whose to reign in the paradise of God just as soon, forever? Beware, Apb, The RAM

See Also,

That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).

Prophecy Links

There’s something about the state of Hawaii, the Hawaiian Islands being under great, massive distress mightily on the map 09/14/2011

For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening To: Clay Aiken: Mary Did You Know

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory

A Ministry Above

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Collin Hain

Prophecy Link

-Seen to be seeing a collapse of societies nation and worldwide, the fall of law and government unto complete chaos on the map 09/15/2011
-There’s something about NEO’s, about the heavens departing as a scroll when it is rolled together, mightier than this world has ever seen trials on the map 08/05/2011
-The question being, will the rapture be pre, mid or subsequent to the tribulation period, with a divine answer, A Voice Declaring: “With the trials and tribulations.”
-The question being, whether we’re entering the final seven years of this age or the last three and half years of the anti-Christ reign, A Voice Declaring: “The Rise Of The Anti-Christ,” 08/05/2011, (the prophecy link 59, one (beast, the woman of Rev. 17) is loosed, another, (beast, the beast carrying the woman/whore, in Rev. 17th chapter,) greater is to come, 1989, 2001, 08/26/2011)

Silence: Collin Hain

That You Be Not Partakers Of Their Sins, 09/20/2011

-“I was raped and sodomized by three of my classmates,” as one wiping meticulously at near to tear eyes, even a leaking nose at finding himself in front of a group talk section Collin Hain could not believe he was unleashing the darkest day and secret of his short lifetime. “The main guy had been making advances to me, although I wasn’t gay, these advances yet stirred my weak flesh into trusting him who was openly gay.” “This, this right here is AndrĂ©, I, actually we lost one another for a while after this happen, but we’ve since found each other, we’re even engaged,” that he’s to pause at the applaud of a group of about twenty others young people. “I mean what can you say about feelings?" "I was horrified, the pain was unbearable yes, but the reality of what had happen.” “I wanted to die, and if my two cousins, Desrek and Soledad, both of them believers, in the Christ Lord I mean, if they’d not been there for me, well God have mercy I would be giving this testimony from the pits of hell no doubt.” “There is no evidence of this, I made sure nothing of this would be known beyond that hotel room and that’s ok, I’m not looking to bring charges, but that you be reminded nothing in this world other than Christ’s cross is what it seem, especially with the Supreme personally promising delusions upon unbelievers.” “One of these guys have since apologized, he said something about a darkness had a hold of him, he could see and hear.” “That he could even feel everything he was doing and believing was all wrong but he was powerless to stop, he further say he just fell one day.” “That he stumbled upon his face and started calling on the Supreme Holy One of Israel and the dark presence illuminating as a light (the Americsn Dream) was lifted off of him, like a weight unimaginable he described it, it’s a miracle he said, and indeed it is.” “To be honest it was an easier transition for him than it was for me, I simply wanted to crawl off into a hole somewhere and dwindle away to non-existence, though we being immortal, with a death judgment pending, this simply wasn’t possible.“ “No matter how much it hurt me and embittered me and even horrified me, I had to make a choice, you have to make a choice because beyond this planet you have no control over your fate.” “Only he who created mankind has this power and no man has this claim, it’s what the Christ mean when he says don’t fear.” “Or don’t be intimidated by those who has power or who usurp power over your flesh, but has no power over your immortality, don’t fear them.” “You’re born dead, or with a death debt and God unto Christ’s cross is both proprietor and the redemption, don’t be deceived, the man you fear can only kill your body, the God you trespass against can kill both your body and soul in hell.” “The spirits of homosexuality and Lesbianism, of same sex relations and marriages are described in the Supreme’s word as turning the truth of God into a lie, and as a result the Supreme promise malignancy would be rampant among these evil doers, this is why the lifeblood has been so tremendously compromised by what is described as HIV (Aids), this 20th /21st century holocaust.” “It’s true, making this choice, or these choices is your freedom, the Christ Lord died for your freedom, that you know the truth about the practices (freedoms) that you make, that when you make these decisions you’re deciding whether to walk with God (Christ’s cross) or against God (the children of the devil).” “This is what you have to be most concern about, God’s form of righteousness is about you knowing the truth and the implications, even the accountability of those decisions.” “We can’t worship God,” a stunning, truly inspirational AndrĂ© is to chime in as they’re to make these claims as a couple, “and he can’t be God to us, create this phenomena relationship with us if or when we make the wrong decision.” “Say we’re in a discussion whereas we’re all talking about how we’re looking forward to spending eternity in heaven with God, and all the various ways we have of getting there.” “There’s the church we attend, the denomination we’re in, the known spiritual leaders we have, that we’re or you’re one of the most kind, charitable persons you know.” “Of course this list goes on and on and on and the Christ Lord walk up, the one who know even the words in our mouth and say, that all seem good and right, but I’m the way, truth and the life, no man cometh unto, or enter into, upon the Supreme Father except by me.” “Then someone ask but how is it you’re the only way?” “And then he answer the cross, the blood sacrifice, the atonement for you, I suffered in my flesh, as God putting on flesh for this reason.” “That’s to completely make null and void the blood/sin debt against you, there is no other line of defense against this sin debt, by the shedding of blood it’s the second death, or the shedding of pure blood, immortal life, and all mankind’s blood carries a sin debt.” “This is why God, this single mediator created the Christ Lord as sin, who knew no sin, who was essentially sinless, not that he couldn’t sin, but wouldn’t sin as he’s the only one who could enter into the Holies of Holy offering up his own pure blood for the salvation of mankind, (his name shall be called Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”) “In other words guys,” as one scooting a rub of manly hands into the end of his seat, where the young people in attendance totally flabbergasted by these too. “You may think the greatest decision you’re to make is your choice of college or career, that is nothing and has been nothing but a subterfuge, the truth is you’re on your way to a grave, and when that happen whether or not you believed the Christ Lord will decide the fate of your immortal soul." "Remember the Supreme Creator breath into man and he became a living soul, it is your God-ship, it can, and shall never, ever perish thus your most meaningful decision is immortal life, or immortal death as our God and not rebellious man, reign.”

That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers/Embers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, The RAM

Five Are Fallen

And there are seven kings (Kingdoms),five are fallen (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo Persia and Greece), and one is (the Roman Empire in John’s day). And the other is not yet come (the Arab Emirates), and when he come he must endure a short space, and the beast that was and is not, even he is the eighth (the anti-Christ reign, whose to ascend out what was the Old Assyrian Empire) Revelation 17:10-18


Prophecy Link Archives (2002)

1232. There’s something about a Nuclear Dropping, a nuclear to an atomic attack on US soil greatly on the map 4/17/2002 1241. There’s something about Israel, about a massive, massive death toll, the abomination that make it desolate on the map 04/17/2002 1299. A Voice Declaring: “International calm depend on an Israeli surrender,” bringing Israel to the bargaining table on the map 04/12/2002 (A Voice Declaring: Synchronize (harmonize, coordinate) Judah, the nation of Israel, of Judaism, about bringing her into line prophetically on the map 02/16/2011

-Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19

-I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158

For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening To: John Starnes: When He Was On The Cross

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, And Get Us The Victory

Except The Lord Builds The House Psalm 127:1

A Ministry Above

Friday, September 9, 2011

Obama's Speech

Bachmann: Don't pass Obama's plan

Seen to be seeing war on American soil, an atom bomb threat, seen to be seeing we’re getting especially the children to safety, A voice declaring: “A bomb in New York,” another voice declaring, the 11th, terrorist plotting mightily on the map 08/27/2011

Barack Hussein

This is what I heard in Obama's speech, seeming like a man held hostage, even whose family were being held hostage.

Throne Of God (TOG)

“Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her (rev. C.17) sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her (Rev. 17) sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her (Rev. 17) iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double. (v.7) How much she hath glorified herself, (super nation) and lived deliciously, (superpower) so much torment and sorrow give her: (super-warmonger) for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow (Judgment).Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, (super flare, Meteor), death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. Rev. 18:4-7, John of Patmos,

Then I imaged he went to the Whitehouse, packed up his family, got on a private jet and got as far away from this country as was possible, if not Gaddafi's underground, then probably Madagascar... Beware, Apb, The RAM

That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Come Out Of Her My People

Seen to seeing a car chase, unto a car exploding, even its driver running, climbing and diving perilously from a major bridge, very erratic times on the map 08/27/2011

A Voice Declaring: Somebody need to tell them, somebody need to warn them, to get to pastors, messages, ministers (repentant alters) of Jesus Christ, to learn of end time events, for a time of darkness is coming 1998/99

For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening To: Sandy Pattie, We Shall Behold Him

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince of Peace, and get us all the Victory

A Ministry Above

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tell Them!

There’s something about Volcanoes, about Volcano eruptions, about the nation and world needing to be on red alert 09/07/2011

Apb, The RAM

-I created a post in these boards a months or so ago entitled Red Alert, Volcanoes, it was about a vision I received were the entirety of the US was fire red, just before I got the word Volcano, a few days later, there were eruptions in Hawaii and Alaska. I had a similar dream last night again about Volcanoes, about this extreme threat, surrounding volcano eruptions. In May, I also shared with you guys a post entitled Silence, literally two months before I discovered Elenin. This is where I strongly believed something cataclysmic and earth-shattering was upon us, an ELE, possibly the fulfillment of the sixth seal. That soon after my research after super earthquakes, as described behind the sixth seal of Revelation the sixth chapter. How it could very well be a super volcano, though I’ve come to learn, if there is an increase in Volcanic activity, there will as well be an increase in earthquake activity.
-I rose this morning and as I rose I said to myself if Jesus tarry, my grandchildren could die in these buildings, in the these school buildings, how they shouldn’t even be in school. That as I projected in these boards a month or so ago, the entire country should be on Red Alert, schools on recess for the time. I say for the time, but we’re facing an extinction level event any day now, I have no doubt, neither do few of our leaders, but they want us and our precious cargo, our children and grandchildren to go on as though all is normal. Just as so as normal when never before has the continuation of mankind been in such perils of cataclysmic proportional events continuously, and the emphasis is on continuously.
-I will give you an example, when I read on space, how comet Elenin was disintegrating into the sun mass, I said to myself, with this coma being described with an icy exterior, even mass. Just as so I said to myself, what if it being dissolved into the sun this way cause a sudden cooling trend? Remarkably at this time, just a week or so ago, we were in upper ninety degree weather, with a heat index of 105, since this event concerning Elenin has happen, we’re right now suddenly in mid seventies as highs, and mid fifties as lows going on two weeks now.
-Just before the Haiti quake I saw parents and grandparents burying their children and grand children alive, why? Because they won’t listen to warnings, just before the last major China quake that buried thousands of children Holy Spirits forewarn how we needed to get our children out of buildings, out of all buildings. How we needed to spend much quality time with our children, it was as though they knew something was happening that would claim mostly children. As so, just before the Japan quake, I saw bike riders, children with funeral reefs stretching into the sky on their handle bars. It is the forewarning given in 2001 for Americans to forget, or drop their pensions (wall street, banks, mortgages) and head for hills, why continue in the subterfuge of Satanic, Demonic and political dogma making mockery of all human life.
-Well magnify these alerts a thousand times and perhaps you’ll understand the forewarning I received just last night about especially Volcanoes, and just as so earthquakes. This great forewarning come only months behind looking into a dream where I saw this fact finding mission, it too was about volcanoes, where I heard one reply “something similar to Wyoming.” As so there’s something really major and over the top about getting a NOAA radio. Whether it’s Elenin, Nibiru, Beteguise or simply the destruction of Mystery Babylon (all present-day world-organization) (possibly a massive solar flare event) as described in Revelation 18th chapter. Something disastrously beyond anything we’re to think or believe as I write and you read, this way come, get to alters of sacrifice, (Jesus) repentance and reconciliation, (even those in your knees, your tongue), the only good death for man unto immortal life. Beware, Apb, The RAM

10,000 earth tremors recorded on German-Czech border
By chillymanjaro
– August 28, 2011

-A reported 10,000 earth tremors in ten days on German Czech border, the Germany Czech border area has been hit by an earthquake swarm with mainly very weak quakes, the strongest ones measuring 4.0 and 3.6. The earthquakes started their sequence on Tuesday. Cheb / Vogtland is a seismically active area where the seismographs did record a lot of activity (a lot of which cannot be felt by humans).
-The earthquake has been felt in a moderate area radius near a few dozen kilometers from the epicenter. Tremors felt by people in Karlovy Vary, Lower Zandov or Birch. In recent years, scientists have noted an increase in the movement of magma towards the earth’s surface in the Cheb Basin, western Czech Republic.
-They say rising magma could be one of the causes of the earthquake swarms, which regularly occur in the Vogtland, North-West Bohemia, the Fichtelgebirge and the Upper Palatinate. The last earthquake swarm to occur before this week’s activity was in 2008.


-The status of the Mount Tambora volcano on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa has been raised to the second-highest alert status as its activity has been increasing since April, the Jakarta Globe reported on Friday.
Residents who have spent most of their lives living on the slopes of the volcano remain unfazed despite the warnings from authorities and the rumblings they are increasingly feeling from underneath the earth, according to Syaifullah, the head of the Pekat subdistrict which lies on Tambora's hillside.
-Mount Tambora, which is responsible for the largest and deadliest volcanic eruption in recorded history, started showing signs of awakening in April. But in early August, it spewed thick white smoke 20 meters (66 feet) into the sky.
So far, Indonesian authorities have not ordered any evacuations and have only warned residents to be on alert. Two villages, Pancasila and Doro Pet, are particularly vulnerable as they are located within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of the volcano's peak which has a height of 4,300 meters (14,100 feet), making it the tallest in the Indonesian archipelago.

Seismic Activity Increases at Iceland’s Most Feared Volcano Katla, Europe and the world be forewarn…

-An increase in seismic activity with small earthquakes has been reported at Iceland's one of the largest volcanoes, but scientists on Tuesday said that there were no signs that the activity would trigger eruptions. "Although earthquakes in the surrounding area around Katla are common, yet there has been an unusual spike in earthquake swarms in recent days," University of Iceland geophysicist Pall Einarsson said. Iceland's Civil Protection Department has increased its monitoring of the Katla volcano, according to a statement on its Web site.
-"It's one of the most feared volcanoes, so we're closely monitoring it," Einarsson told Associated Press. "It's normal for earthquakes to be detected around Katla. What's a bit unusual is that we're seeing swarms of small earthquakes, some occurring every 10 minutes or so," he said. Ash from Iceland’s Grimsvotn volcano forced flight cancelations in Scotland, northern England and Germany in May. An eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in April last year caused the cancellation of more than 100,000 flights on concern glass-like particles formed from lava might melt in aircraft engines and clog turbines. Historically, Eyjafjallajokull has been known to erupt one to two years prior to Katla.

Volcano Activity Reports are available from:
the Smithsonian Institute (USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report)
and the VOLCANO mailing list
Week of: 24 August-30 August 2011

14 Active Volcanos BAGANA Bougainville (-6.14, 155.195) ETNA Sicily (Italy) (37.734, 15.004) KILAUEA Hawaii (USA) (19.421, -155.287) PAPANDAYAN Western Java (Indonesia) (-7.32, 107.73) RANAKAH Flores Island (Indonesia) (-8.62, 120.52) TAMBORA Sumbawa Island (Indonesia)(-8.25, 118) BATU TARA Komba Island (Indonesia) (-7.792, 123.579) KARYMSKY Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) (54.05, 159.45) KIZIMEN Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) (55.13, 160.32) LOKON-EMPUNG Sulawesi (1.358, 124.792) POPOCATEPETL MĂ©xico (19.023, -98.622) PUYEHUE-CORDON CAULLE Central Chile (-40.59, -72.117) SAKURA-JIMA Kyushu (31.585, 130.657) SHIVELUCH Central Kamchatka (Russia) (56.653, 161.36)

STRONG SOLAR ACTIVITY: Sunspot 1283 is crackling with solar flares. Yesterday, Sept. 6th, the active region produced an M5.3-class eruption at 0150 UT followed by a X2.1-class event at 2220 UT. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded this extreme UV flash from the X-flare:

The flares produced waves of ionization in Earth's upper atmosphere, briefly altering the propagation of low-frequency radio signals around our planet. Moreover, the two eruptions hurled clouds of plasma (CMEs) in our general direction. A preliminary analysis of SOHO and STEREO imagery suggests that the CMEs could sail substantially north of Earth, delivering a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field as they pass. ETA: Sept. 8-10. Stay tuned for updates.

That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Come Out Of Her My People

A Voice Declaring: Somebody need to tell them, somebody need to warn them, to get to pastors, messages, ministers (repentant alters) of Jesus Christ, to learn of end time events, for a time of darkness is coming 1998/99

For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening To: Selah: Praise Him, Where Grace Is

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince of Peace, and get us the Victory

A Ministry Above

Friday, September 2, 2011

No Family Member Left Behind

Prophecy Links

-I looked into this dream last night, in the dream the great gathering of saints had finally come to past, it was finally happening. Just as so as it happen there were these phenomena things happening all around the heavens, like if you look to the east the entire sky was black and threatening. Then if you look to the west, there was a bright sunshiny day, where to the north there was this missile being launched, seeming for the second time and to was falling to the earth. As so a glance like toward the south, a meteor or comet was slicing through the sky to the earth, There were such erratic things going on with the sky I didn’t know whether to described it as the great gathering of saints or the second coming but in the dream it was the great gathering of saints.
-Of course Jesus in the book of Matthew 24 goes from describing the great gathering of saints, clouds and angels, to describing His second doing which will be with the stars of heaven. In the dream all while this was happening there was something about a singing group, a band, about its drum or drummer which belonged to me. I don’t know, from Independence Day the movie, the song, the lyrics, “it’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine,” has been playing in my head the last few days or more. That is the one thing I remember about this dream, how very, extremely comforted it made me feel, I didn’t want to wake. I simply by Christ’s Cross wanted to go home, even when I awaken I felt comforted. Truly hurry Lord Jesus with swiftness and speed and get us all, the Heavenly Host, the Lamb’s bride the victory. The beginning of the Christ Jesus millennium reign mightily on the map 09/02/2011

No Family Member Left Behind Campaign 09/02/2011

This YouTuber Wrote… 03/23/2011

-One day soon, the U.S. economy will collapse. In the aftermath, there will be mass riots, looting, and a total breakdown of law and order in our society. When the dollar loses its value as the number one world's reserve currency, the price of goods and services will skyrocket. Gas prices will skyrocket. The food at grocery stores and restaurants will skyrocket. After the economic system collapses, the trucking industry which deliver goods to stores all over this country will be greatly affected. This means there will be a shortage of goods.
-Imagine going to the grocery store one day, and there's no food on the shelves because truckers did not deliver those goods. Many people are asleep, even in churches. Stop listening to false ministers at church who teach you doctrines that are not Biblically supported. For instance, the hundredfold blessing plan being taught in many popular churches today is a false doctrine. Biblical scriptures does not support the hundredfold blessing plan.
-The Bible doesn't say that when you give the church 10 percent, you'll get back 100 percent in blessings. However, Biblical scriptures does support giving 10 percent tithes. In addition, none of the New Testament sciptures say that Christians are required to give tithes to a church. You should give out of generosity, but it is not a requirement that you give tithes to a church. Ancient Israelites of the Old Testament did not give tithes in coins; they tithed food.
-Preachers should be telling people how to prepare themselves for the coming economic collapse. Some of you Christians are mindless slaves sitting under ministries where the pastors are teaching you false doctrines and ideologies, which are not Biblically supported. Learn to think for yourselves. Watch alternative news, and find out what is really going on in your world. Get your head out of your ass, and open your eyes.

No Family Member Left Behind 09/02/2011

Apostle Patricia Bradford, Apb, The RAM

-I’m using these youtube videos, these strange people to describe to my family members what they simply refuse to receive from me. Just last night 09/01/2011 I was describing to my husband how the last time my eldest sister and I like recently had to depend on one another financially. Well it was the mid nineties, I was living only two miles away from where I live now, there was this barrage of forewarnings from the Holy Spirits. They were drilling me about what is described today as a failing American economy, Holy Spirits were asking me what would happen if all of American’s debts became do? Eventually by visions and dreams I saw banks fall, I saw the housing sector fall.
-I witness construction supervisors climb on top of roof tops forewarning the workers how there was no more work for them to do, I saw the entire church organization fall, they drilled me about these matters for days and days. Just as soon about five years later they gave me this vision, while I was riding along the side of my husband where I was admiring all the fancy mobiles. All the new buildings, just what seem like a thriving economy when suddenly I heard the Holy Spirit speak and say and I quote “one day they won’t be able to give these whimsical creations away.”
-Just as I heard this I thought about one sister who was buying a home, a brother who was getting a home build, a niece who was getting a home build and just as I considered this tears started to trigger along my face. Then just as soon I heard a voice inquire, why are you crying, don’t they deserve it? You see in the nineties when ministers were beginning what has become an astronomical message of prosperity in this nation and world. I was in the pulpit instead reminding them of great trials and tribulations that were coming as mankind is to reap atrocities sown.
-I described how America would soon be in wars, one of these enemies would be Arab, and the other, Asian, an Asian invasion on American soil, and yes, the elder thought I’d lost my mind, although I didn’t consider it then, it was all a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. How Nations would rise against nations, how there would be wars in various places, what I saw was war, that the west was worthy of these wars, that these wars began an epidemic of wars. Even this new war with Libya, I know many of you thought once you voted Obama in there would be no such wars when his presidency has arrived just in time for a three world war, unto the Anti-Christ reign and worse era of mankind ever.
-Just as so wars that will get so vastly out of control it will be this entire country’s way of admitting, America is a country that runs off of blood, this world’s life blood. That every time we buy, eat, drink, live and drive in this country it’s all fueled by this world’s lifeblood. If we were honest we would admit the taste of their blood on our tongues when we eat, the feel of it on our hands when we work, it’s in our beds where we sleep, even when we fill our automobiles we can see the fuel is blood red. Yes I said we, because by Americans lack of protest, to the world it mean we don’t even care about the war-mongering anymore, as long as we get the spoils of wars, namely, the American Dream.
-Though it’s all coming to a screeching halt, all you have to do is remember the days of Moses, it seem to take God forever, but one day he heard the Jews cries and completely decimated Ancient Egypt with their escape. With Father Abraham, he again heard the cries of the people and by fire from heaven completely destroyed sin cities Sodom and Gomorrah. Now just imagine for the final time God is hearing the cries especially of the myriads of martyred saints regarding the lying, murdering whore Mystery Babylon (The American Dream, Free world) whereas millions, upon millions by this Supreme One wrath being poured out will die in this nation alone.
-I was sitting this particular morning, I was folding clothes, the Holy Spirits apparently knew what was in my heart as they’d placed it there, that I would eventually leave the church building,the pulpit and preachers preaching. Just as I sat, folding I heard a voice speak to me declaring, “somebody need to tell them, somebody need to war them.’ Again it said, “somebody need to tell them, somebody need, to get to pastors of Christ, to get to ministers of Christ, to get to messages of Christ, to learn of end times events, for a time of darkness (perilous time) is coming.
-You have to realize I was in a church, I was a minister in a church, so I was to go and tell church people to get to churches, ministers, pastors and messages of Jesus Christ, to learn of end time events, for a darkness was brewing. You have to remember what Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, how God searched for those who would WORSHIP Him in spirit and truth, only the Holy Spirit by the truth of Gods’ word can shape and mold us into God’ s form of righteousness, (Jesus Christ), it was a Spirit of holiness that couldn’t be found in religious organizations. Hence the Holy Spirit was asking me, to forewarn them about the one thing most church assembly and preaching preachers don’t have, alters of repentance and reconciliation.
-Heretofore the Holy Spirit was in essence forewarning church people to get away from organize Christianity and by their repentant heart, and the words of their mouth, their knees get to Jesus Christ, the only redeemer and savior of the world. It’s the picture of Jesus in the book of revelation standing on the outside of the church knocking on the door, I like to say, the hearts’ door trying make an entry for the salvation of mankind’s soul as they’re all otherwise by the things of the word disillusioned. Let these false leaders tell it, Jesus set up both his kingdom and our kingdom right here on this evil earth, and we’re to simply love this evil world, and the things of this evil world completely forfeiting God’s eternal throne.
-Organize Christianity, the very religious spirit driving the nails, is mostly about setting up treasures on this earth, and losing your heart therewith, and just as soon your immortal soul, second life. This cunning craftiness while true Christianity is about setting up treasures in heaven, thus your heart, thus your immortal life, that even your thoughts are above where Christ sit on the throne, you must be born again. This Holy Spirit was forewarning of the very cataclysmic times we the people of the United States, and this world is entering into. Clearly, instead of putting our diminishing dollars into this voracious after human blood and souls economy, we need to be spending them on our stores, stocking up, because despite our ability to endure great trials, think about the cries of the children.
-Your world is ending, mankind’s reign is over and done with, there’re some financial analyst who says we’re in an inflationary depression, food, water as so all other natural resources will suffer. It is suffering a hyperinflation and just before they’re to disappear all together, a measure of wheat for a day’s wages, a measure of barley for a day’s wages and see that you hurt not the oil and wine (divine intervention). I warn my family about these horrors which were approaching in an article I wrote in 2003, one entitled ‘A Wise One,’ now this crash course. Like the lady in this video forewarn, stop dis-believing the prophecies of God, God’s kingdom is come, and if so, man’s kingdom, as so the nations, kingdoms of this world will pass away consistently, horribly, repent!
-Acknowledge Jesus as Lord, call on him, and serve him, for this blessed hope shall forever deliver us out of the hand of the destroyer. This is why I anoint my grand-children often, in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, then just before I finish, I request that they be found worthy to escape. This is what Jesus suggested, that we pray that we’re found worthy to escape all of these things. Then you ask escape what, what things? Escape what the Christ Lord has described as the worse trials and tribulations this earth is experiencing at present, those of which this world has never seen, or shall ever see again, where ancient demons will walk the earth. Clearly the worse of what’s described especially in the book of revelation, hundreds of millions of men, woman and children will die. Hence to escape mean Jesus the Christ is the only one that can save us out of the worse world cataclysms ever, save us.
-As the redeem of Christ’s cross will not be subjected to God’s end time wrath to destroy the wicked and bring the repentant to everlasting life. It is this holy word which has promised the redeem, how the Lord himself (Jesus) will ascend from heaven with a shout (the commission COME, possibly three times). With the voice of the archangel (again COME) and the trump (trumpet of God), how the dead in Christ will rise first, every human being who has ever died in Jesus Christ will rise first. Then those of us who’re yet alive, and remain in Christ Jesus will be caught up in the air with the lord and there shall we forever be With the Lord Christ.
-Every time I’m reminded of how beyond description horrible it’s going to be, how people will be put to death by torture vehicles unimaginable. How they’ll have to endure this world worse natural disasters ever, world ending disasters, after disasters, after disaster. How the earth will again rise up to kill, how the sky will rain down to kill, how people by the millions will be forced to suicide and murder suicide, to even take the mark of the beast of which they’re automatically condemned to hell. I don’t won’t one of my family members left behind to endure such trials, stop and drop everything, fall on your knees where you are, asked Jesus to forgive you and receive into his kingdom, to help you walk in the light of righteousness as surely as he, blessed be the name of this Lord Savior of the world.

That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).

Synchronize Israel

A Voice Declaring: Synchronize (harmonize, coordinate) Judah, the nation of Israel, of Judaism, about bringing her into line prophetically on the map 02/14/2010
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening To: Selah: Praise Him, Where Grace Is

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince of Peace, and get us the Victory

A Ministry Above

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We Are Adam!

A Voice Declaring: Babylon Is Falling, the fall of Mystery Babylon, of the entire present age of mankind on the map 03/27/2011 (see Revelation 17, 18th chapters
There’s something about turbulent or tornadic manners of travel both on land and on sea, of being separate of or lost of loved ones, turbulent manners of disasters continuously on the map 03/27/2011

I Show you a Mystery 09/26/07, 05/05/2010



It's not just the flesh that is cursed, but the blood lineage beginning with the creation of humanity, that from within, out of the heart, the blood man, don't you get it? It's the sin, the fact that you are a murderer, a liar, even a curse from your mother's belly shouldn't be a mystery, it's in the blood and without shedding of blood, especially this sinless substitute namely Jesus Christ there's no remission.
The blood man, the heart, that from within, out of the heart becomes, develops all appearances of abominations at provoking man into sin. It's as surely as your mother's womb shaped you in iniquity and born you into sin as sin in your blood. We Are Adam! And those whose robes have been made white by the blood of Christ's Cross are the second Adam now redeemed, cursed by the woman's disobedience, redeemed by the woman's seed, O Happy Day! O Happy Deity...
I know how the truth has always made mankind feel, how violent and ill calculated, I could’ve easily hurt the man friend of mine bringing me the truth about sin and salvation. Like you , like most sinners I didn’t want to hear it, but I was shaped sin as surely as I was shaped human being and that sin prevented me of the Heavenly Father, prevented Him of me that by that knowledge alone I’ve been hearing them every since and they me.
I’m saying now that you're here, established not only as a product of nature, but with living, divine beings having breathed into you the breath and eternal existence of Elohim. Cursed I know by sin to instead return to the earth but fate a spirit and living soul whose to chart his own future only with the inclusion of the will of three overwhelming powers, condemned flesh (heart), Satanic powers or Divine reconciliation.
Just remember there is a constant war warring in our members, deep within the pit of our very substance the seed of sin verses the spirit of life. The relentless will of the sin nature is ever drawn to the world and the things of the world, but all that is of the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life, which isn’t of God but of the world. Now the spirit of life long to commune and fellowship with God as it is continuously mankind’s divine manner of communication, those truly worshipping God doing so in spirit and truth. Heretofore there is constantly this tug of war of dividing circumstance, again this gnawing conflict even in man’s blood that can then only by Christ’s bloody cross be resolved.
I know, if only you'd not been shaped by the womb of the first transgression and birth into, upon as the original transgressor but you were for God only separated these seeds once, remember that virgin girl, what was her name? Of course now serious decisions have to be made for like it or not it has been appointed unto you and all first Adams to die which is why there’s nothing new under the sun, nothing.
Like I described to my spouse recently how it was much planning and insurmountable debate in heaven even from the beginning of Elohim (God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as one) went into the creation of mankind. All that the Supreme Heavens would take into its bosom for all eternity a human remnant of the earth they created, that Jesus would present unto this Heavenly Father, Host, one new man.
What am I saying, I’m saying after much divine deliberation by the Heavenly Host, Elohim went into the Garden of Eden it wasn’t then tossed into a black sky made light like confetti in hand just to see where it would all land but was it so strategically, miraculously predestined. Evidently if this plan failed how would it be redeemed? If it failed this redemption, the woman’s seed, how would it again be reconciled? As so if it failed additionally, consistently how would it be rejuvenated, celebrated? Of course by this woman’s seed and by their belief, their will and by their confessions, for unless a free will is made unto confession aloud allowing this Holy Lord there is again no remission.
This is where we hear the garden of Gethesmane crying aloud, sparing not "not my will father, but thy will be done," unto the Acts of the Apostles "and whosoever shall call upon the Lord Christ Jesus shall be saved. Sadly though after this physical death comes the great, white throne judgment, that's according to biblical Christianity, Jesus Christ, this woman's seed that is...Repent!
Evidently this is where the Christ would declare he saving his life will lose it, but he losing his life for my name sake shall gain it forever more. For instance many people will not come to Jesus Christ as this is to save their life, their way of life, there not realizing there is regularly this curse of death. Therefore this is the only way to take a curse of death and bring not only life but immortal life, the redeeming blood of the Lamb and resurrection of life, the Lord Christ Jesus.

Shaped In iniquity

Behold, I was shaped in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceived me
Psalm 51:5

From within out of the heart of man proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile the man JCON, St. Mark 7:21-23
Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God Rom. 3:22, 23

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, if we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness I John 1:8-10


Repentance is
this painstaking format of coming to the reality that you could never, ever do this without God, that you exist in a pride, in a rebellion, even an insurrection most paramount if you ever thought you could. That now for such vainglory you’re to by Christ’s Cross of redemption seek God’s forgiveness.
It’s simple, all you’re doing is realizing you’re incapable of doing this, yes this walk through or by a valley of the shadow of death, of perilous groups of dissidents and vulgar encroachments all with a purpose to perform one thing in particular. That’s to overthrow God, the creation of God and slaughter as many human beings as is possible attempting so. It’s the unthinkable road, the narrow path perilous with stumbling blocks every biblical saint male or female, Jew or Greek, bond or free had to take there are no exemptions.
Notwithstanding there’s again that Cross who has not only fought this battle for us but has as well won the victory now to culminate all things unto His one thousand year reign. Simply forgive me God for my sins, for it’s defiance without end and by Christ Jesus’ Cross, it’s shed blood receive me into thy bosom again.
Agreeably it’s this simple, that mankind has went around the world and back, that untold millions have lost their souls, that God’s Son/Christ, his disciples after him have suffered unrealizable peril that you’re to come to the realization this is impossible without Them.
That the more you realize this on a daily basis the more you’re to realize everything you do prospers, as you’re to never, ever do a thing without them assisting you right alone. Truthfully without the entire Heavenly Host plowing the road ahead, including death, (immortal life), for to be separate from the spirit, is to be forever present with the Lord Jesus Christ. This unknowing, unbelief is what you’ve suffered all your lifetime because at unbelief’s root and thus at its harvest is nothing to gain but death (failure).
Truly when the home, the education system, the government, the church, even the grave. That just as we speak mankind’s’ life blood he’s to live with, food chain he’s to live by and earth he’s to live on is failing, what do you do? As so even the death and dying of either friend or foe, these military conflicts, whatever they’re to suffer are all bouts of nonsuccess because only the dead dying for Jesus the Christ shall be alive forevermore, remember, return and repent!

Also see

That You Be Aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostles of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Pbradfordm, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).

God begot Adam, Adam begot Eve, Eve begot Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ begot The Rising…APB ©copyright the RAM 2007-2010 All Rights Reserved

Prophecy Link

-Seen to be seeing a failed US government, with complete chaos to follow, a massive, massive fall of the American dream, of mankind's kingdoms on the map 02/07/2009
-Seen to be seeing Mystery Babylon weighed, numbered and found lacking, a judgment equaling on a weigh scale the total sum of 190...That’s one hundred and ninety months for all Industries, Religion and Politics to bring an end to sin, and to anoint the most holy, and to bring in everlasting righteousness…12/25/2001
-Seen to be seeing a controversial note, letter, a scandal of sorts targeting the Whitehouse which is to then cause nationwide panic, chaos and repeated forms of vicious attacks. All of the above when a white (pure, redeemed) woman’s cry toward heaven cause the heavens to cry out in it’s own voice, in her own hearing, “A Day Before Christmas.” There’s something about the day before Christmas, about December, 24th about Christmas eve, a form of divine intervention gloriously on the map 12/10/2008

For Salvation Pray:

I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again…Amen

Listening To Dallas Holm: Come On To Jesus

Hurry Lord Christ and get us the victory

A Ministry Above

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Bank Of Oprah Winfrey

-There's something about the most Special Couple of all (see Jesus and the Church bride) taking precedence over the residing presidential couple (the Obamas). About a vicious, deadly, even demonic manner of resistance 05/17/2010

-There's something about bomb threats, explosions and being taken captive, something about using a lengthy strand of hair to measure all the death, dying and gore 05/19/2010 (see Rev. 14:17-20, God's wrath, six feet, see unprecedented tribulation).

-There's something about a brand new Whitehouse, how glorious, magnificent unto a number measure measuring 15%, see fifteen percent of the world's population 05/19/2010

The Bank of Oprah Winfrey

-Dear President Obama, I was just sitting in front of my television a moment ago when I was suddenly reminded of the staggering number of foreclosures being reported in the nation. It was here I asked myself, aren’t we in all actuality while looking at the millions of foreclosures, actually looking at the death toll of entire households by the millions. I soon moved from the bedroom and went into the kitchen, started to wash dishes where I continued this mental debate. Thus I further asked, why are banks allowed to prosper continuously from the very economic disaster they themselves, fostered? It’s as though they set a trap for the people, banks and big business, where they themselves with these predatorized people were captured in their own laid for man snare. That when the people’s one well paid security guard came to the rescue, they more so saved the people’s aggressor and oppressors leaving these victimized people in grave mortgages, critically entombed.

-Then I thought, isn’t the fact these clever thieves were bailed out with taxpayers money, couldn’t this then be considered a paid in full toward the taxpayers mortgage default instead of a double assault against them, now causing them their homes? Then I asked, when it is going to be illegal for banks to foreclose on people’s home, their very livelihood even statehood? Then I thought because of this truth, all foreclosures should stop immediately, how those taxpayers who’ve lost their homes should have those homes returned to them straight away with no further cost or lost to them. That whatever income they’re yet able to bring in should be used to prepare these homes and family for the great cataclysms (Elenin, the 6th seal) that is to come in a month or so.

-Call me crazy, as most of you often do, but I’ve always wanted to enrich all people, God knows there has been more than enough money on the planet to do so. Though when it seem as though I was to get little help from heaven, I know, I know, they reminded me recently how there’s no money in heaven. I always thought God was against this ideal, though I just as so realized, God wouldn’t allow one man to be rich, unless all men could as well be rich, this is just the kind of God He is. Let’s take the Bank of Oprah Winfrey for example, I call her this because she’s worth enough money to actually be a bank. Why is this, what did she do, what was it that she sold, what it is that she knew that she’s now worth billions and billions of dollars, or is this simply what popularity is worth these days?

-It is utterly ridiculous that any human being is worth this kind of money, more money than they can spend in a thousand life times. That even if this is because millions and billions blindly supported her financially the twenty-five years of her fame, this simply mean she has kept their money in a trust all these years and now she need to give it all back. Though not only her, every person in this country who are sitting on more money than they can spend in one life time, that’s every person who spend most of their lives building for themselves more and better, bigger store houses. I got something to tell you, wealth and poverty never could, would co-exist, because of a relentless love, hate relationship one always overrule the other, with that kingdom, nation and people eventually self-destructing.

-Then I thought to myself, what if money worked like manna from heaven? Everyone having the ability to go out each morning and collect just enough for the house, just enough for that day. That having plenty to store or stock up wasn’t possible because by morning that reserve would be nothing but worm bate, unto another manna of rain. But no, we put this astronomical manner of abundance, of beyond belief treasures right beyond the people’s reach, this overbearing breaking point. Sort of like spending most of your life window shopping for all of the things you want, need and just got to have, but can't, won't. Now the only thing preventing, itching you and egging you, them, is the amount of cash or credit you’re to have in your pocket. This littlest thing called wealth and prosperity some have and some don’t have and this heinous manner of segregation having no respect of person, ethnicity or gender is pulling the nation apart into itty, bitty pieces.

-This entire world financial system has always remind me of the time Jesus got in trouble with the religious leaders for healing a man on the Sabbath day. The one reason Jesus did this was to portray to them what a hypocritical system religion (man’s various ways, thoughts and commandments) are, were. Like the religious/political world system today, it was an organization for the people which had completely abandoned the people. This well of water was rich with healing power for anyone who dip themselves in just as Holy Spirits stirred the water. When Jesus approached this man in this bed, just out of reach of aid, he explained, being paralyzed (poor, inadequate, insignificant) no one would be there to help him into the cleaning, healing waters. This healing stream was then only for those who could help themselves, and only help themselves people as always did.

-Of course Jesus having mercy especially on this sinner, told him to take up his bed and walk, having been sick for ages, taking up and his bed, and indeed walking. Simply, Jesus warn him to turn away from his life of sin, or an even greater thing would befall him, of course carrying his bed on the Sabbath day is what got him and this divine healer, Jesus in trouble. The fact that a man so crippled now walked didn’t matter, they couldn’t see the miracle for their corrupt, rebellious heart, (bureaucracy). Mankind’s wealth and prosperity is like that healing well, whereas every now and then Holy Spirit come and stir the wealth about. Of course those benefiting the most being so engulf with their own needs and wants and especially greed, neither can they see the miracle (enriching all that are or need to come) for all the regulations (curse) of government, politics and biased, even toxic economics.

-One would then think, if the banks can afford to allow millions and millions of real estate to just sit and virtually rote away, then they can allow people to re-enter these homes if only for the upkeep alone. It seem this would be better than the hundreds of thousands being made homeless and sleeping in cars, RV’s, shelters and tent cities. It seem like we’ve created a monster, a real live home and family devourer that is all the more fueled by a US system becoming all the more impassive, even tyrannical at neglecting and even discarding its own for gain. How did this happen? How did a system for the people become this people’s worse nightmare, its hope and security now its abandonment, this unworkable state of confusion and mayhem. Incredibly this is the system of freedom, justice and diplomacy we’re to spread across the Islamic world, this is the hope and dream of (a cursive appendage) they’re to rally behind? And they think their leaders are mad.

-Holy Spirits explained to me in the late nineties how a day would come when Her, Americas insurmountable treasures would become so worthless you wouldn’t be able to give them away. At the time, in the late nineties, the time of America’s insurmountable growth this didn’t seem likely, though if they told me, I knew some day, this day, every day it is amazingly so. It’s unthinkable that we allow such an apathetic, literally sadistic system of iron, dishearten laws and regulations of merciless men. Those who have let millions die, who would rather let millions continue to die than forfeit their way of government and capitalism to decide or make humane decisions when we know it’s completely beyond them to do so. Let’s Mr. Obama put things back in order, back in perspective, this is why you, of all of them was voted into office. This is why a well practiced jubilee sounded throughout these lands, so you could fix what had been broken in the nation for so long, this cultural and monetary hypocrisy, an obscured segregation is it all.

-The stringing, burning quite divine reality is, all mankind was to either be as rich as the richest of all men on this planet, or all mankind was to be poor as church mice. I’m sure now that God is stripping the worlds of all wealth, or the wealth of the wicked as described in scripture more people are to understand this. You see wealth nor poverty by no standards has any respect to person, only man does, especially when he’s the one making all the rules, when he’s one setting all the standards, when he’s the one making all the laws. It’s funny how man has for centuries come up with these award winning ideals, but there was never one where all mankind could be made wealthy, all. I always told my spouse, my husband, the war especially in Iraq, and now in Libya, oil country was always about America’s leaders refusing to downsize, or equalize. So they virtually made war on any substandard nod-head who disagreed and wanted to take his money and put it somewhere other than the failing dollar or the Euro. The crying God of 1995/6, promised to stripped every leader on this planet responsible for stripping his people, for leaving them not only naked and bear but dead, some even perished to the damn, now the long anticipated fulfillment.

-I remember walking into this store one day, a store reminding me of the days of my childhood, the local candy store. I went in looking to buy of course with only pennies in hand, it wasn’t long before I realized what was once a penny store had been transformed into a fine groceries or even a fancy restaurant that I nor the pennies in my pocket could afford. I left the store that day immensely cast down in my spirit being unable to pay for what I needed, a victim of man endless ability to consider the less fortunate. Just as soon I looked toward a high in the sky sun, a high in the sky sun that looked like a sparkling diamond, a sparkling diamond that began this remarkable descent down toward me. I stood there and watch this high sun modify, transform and metamorphose into a gigantic diamond cut, crystal like dove a million times the size of a regular dove, blocking out the entire sky. It made this vigilant descent down, directly to me, as to make contact with me, and disappeared again into the heavens where I then woke up in bed.

-Three of Jesus’ disciples Peter, James and John had the privilege of being a witness of Jesus, the sunlight of God transfiguring before them, unto two biblical Patriarchs Moses and Elias descending from heaven appearing and talking with the Christ Lord, it again was a way for God to prove who this kind soul among all souls truly was. The three disciple were so excited and astonished at what they saw they offered to build tabernacles for them, that they may dwell here, on the earth with them, it was like Peter encouraging the Christ Lord to live, when He’d come to die (sacrifice.) Then there was the Apostle Paul, having at one time being in heaven himself, in the midst of the paradise of God he described it. That he had this amazing assurance to be told for the believer, how eyes hath not seen, that nor had ears heard, how neither had it entered into hearts of man, the things God hath prepared for those who love him. Always and forever hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

-For God So Loved The World, That He Gave His Only Begotten Son, That Whosoever Believeth In Him, Shall Not Perish, But Shall Have Everlasting Life, John 3:16

-For God Hath Commended His Love Toward Us, That While We Were Yet Sinners, Christ Died For Us, Roman 5:8

-That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers/Embers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, The RAM


Prophecy Link

-A Voice Declaring: "We only have one more month," there's something about a countdown, of divine attention paid toward the issues of mankind 10/04/2008
-A Voice Declaring: "Two weeks and seven years," a divine countdown, unto the fulfillment of all things biblical and prophetic again on the map 07/29/2008(see Russia and Georgia, a prelude to end time world wars)
-A Voice Declaring: “Seven More Days, (02/10/2009), justly a divine count down on the map 02/03/2009
-Seen to be seeing a controversial note, letter, a scandal of sorts targeting the Whitehouse which is to then cause nationwide panic, chaos and repeated forms of vicious attacks. All of the above when a white (pure, redeemed) woman’s cry toward heaven cause the heavens to cry out in its own voice, in her own hearing, “A Day Before Christmas.” There’s something about the day before Christmas, about December, 24th about Christmas eve, a form of divine intervention gloriously on the map 12/10/2008
-Seen to be seeing America, Britain going in separate directions, a voice declaring: "America," "Britain," "separate them into itty," "bitty pieces" 06/12/2004the crumbling of the West on the map.
-Seen to be taken into flight over the United States, seen to be seeing massive destruction from the Eastern Seaboard to the Western Seaboard. Seen to seeing a severely destroyed space port, as so a just as damaged White House, the smoke of its burning, nations of the world catastrophes on the map 08/15/ 2001, the end of the free world on the map.

-Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19

-I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158

For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening To: John Starnes: When He Was On The Cross

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, And Get Us The Victory

Except The Lord Builds The House Psalm 127:1

A Ministry Above

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Secular Borderline

Prophecy Link

See to be seeing into a dream, seen to be seeing rising from the earth, into the church continuously a heinous, quite perverted manner of demonic possession, of sexual perversion unfounded ever on this earth and mankind, sexual predators of demonic origin continually, mightily on the map, 08/01/2006


Thou An Host Shall Encamp Against Me

“We can’t have anything good here, excuse me, ---pleaseee Cad eat something, pleaseee, arggggg she’s been like this since they brought her.” “All she does is stand in the window, sometimes with tears streaming down her face looking, ---looking for what?” “I don’t know, how am I Ctrenti suppose to know, him I guess, and by him?” “Him, the Carni man, I think that’s what she call him.” “Dr. Vass say’s it will all pass, but I don’t know Ctrenti, I just don’t know, I think sis you do know, you just, you know, I just what?” ”It’s him, it’s this Vince guy, even this Phearson McPhreason, -after the way they treated you?” “They didn’t mistreat me,” as one aggressively getting up to the sink, scraping his plate, sipping the rest of his cup, thinking what’d he’d learn from them in only a short space some couldn’t learn, wouldn’t learn in a lifetime. “They told me the truth, even Tenny you, us, I think they were once lovers, -you, yes, then something changed for them, gave them a knowledge, even a revelation concerning the things of God.” “Anyway we can’t have anything good here, that’s what I was murmuring just as you started pulling your hair out and screaming, I still have my hair thank you.” “Nothing Tenny that’s to last you know, everything we attempt to accomplish here isn’t only temporal but it’s dangerous, even lethal as disaster lie in wait for it and us all.” “They tell us and even teach us to have like this good life, only it isn’t a good life, it’s the curse it has been from the beginning and the only thing we can best hope for is a good death.” “Of course even that is questionable when you consider the Christ’s teaching, as the only way to have a good death is to die in this atoning Christ where life immortal truly await.” “So you see Tenny it’s all this gigantic lie, this colossal illusion, this imitation of immortal life and what’s so extraordinary is we know it.” “We know all mankind’s faith is a death penalty with a second death pending every time we say peace and safety.” “I asked Mack, Mackenzie to marry me, you what! “You heard me,” thinking he’s to get on the communicator, do like the most important research of his life, the Juttah vows, even the African Juttah, even the Sia Juttah. “Do you know how crazy that sound?” “To you Tenny yes, but I’ve known Mack all my life, she has always been so special to me, the Supreme has given me a mate, I have very little doubt it’s someone other than, than Mackenzie.” “Ctrenti, you have to be sure about, my god,” abruptly astonishment at moving him with her aside from the baby as not to distract her, but was Cadence Nicole finally eating. “She’s eating, I can’t believe it, Dr. Vass was right, look all I’m saying is marriage is a serious step, as serious Tenny as when I was contemplating Phil, right?” “Don’t worry, she haven’t said yes, she’s uncertain and with me wanting to do the Juttah vows, the Juttah vows remind us Tenny how the vows of matrimonial, the intercourse thereof we’re to make is with God.” “As so with His Christ and with his mankind, those things which are very sacred to Him, anything abnormally opposite His will He will not tolerate but will come against it with wrath and toil.” “And all this Ctrenri from a single conversation with those guys?” “Actually it was more like finally answering the knocking on one’s heart’s door by the Supreme’s Christ promising to come in and sup with you and you with him, I sat with Holy Spirits that night and rose anew Tenny, and rose anew.” “Anyway, speaking of Phil, I tried to explain things to him, he’s too angry right now, too disappointed I guess, he can’t believe I let these guys, well what they say change me so.” “To be honest I was never Tenny comfortable with the relationship, he’ll get over it, right?” ‘Look at you, what a big, gigantic girl you are, -we go and see Mr. Dante now, Mr. Phearce and Regan?” Is that what you want?” “It’s what I always want, why you like Mr. Dante so much?” “He’s in my dreams,” as to glance off solemnly that she’s to consider mightily what aunt Tenny was saying, even asking did she remember. “He is daddy, we have so much fun, he take me to the carnival, we have so much fun and who is momma, in your dream?” “No mommy, only, only, you aunt Tenny and, and, daddy, but it’s not daddy, its Mr. Dante, right?” “Right, and I am, aunt Tenny, but who am I really?” “Mommy, right?” Bringing herself a smooch into her forward, an intense hug of her, this was the one thing Kyler had done right, she always told Cadance who her mother really was. “Do you Tenny believe?” “Believe?” “I believe a lot of, -believe that the worse threat to mankind’s continuation, isn’t simply satanic, demonic and political rule, and mankind faithful worship therein though it’s the one thing that has brought mankind to the brink of extinction once before.” “It is that threatening him all over again, unrepentance and God’s wrath regarding the destruction of the wicked, that he’s to even kill their children with death.” “Who or what is it Tenny that teach children, teens about their immortality?” “About their, -not that they’re superhuman, but in order to truly understand the curse we’re to understand how we’re immortals housed by temporal flesh.” “That death is only the beginning of the immortal awaiting just beyond this secular border line we call life and living.” “My, how, what made you think of that?” “”That’s, that’s amazing, I never Ctentri in a million years would’ve considered that, and you’re right that would be an unimaginable curse.” “The working of the flesh Tenny we control, but the immortal released of this human casing at death, let’s just say it’s what the prophet mean when he declared without ceasing, the soul that sin shall die.” “And just what Ctentri is that to mean?” Having to raise her voice as he made this his expert exit, they didn’t have to consider biblical things too long as they’d been raised under their mother’s faith though had they despised it all. “Well since Tenny we’re born sin, the only way to die sinless is to be born-again, the only way to be born again, is by the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus, repenting, and reconciling ourselves therein, thereby a penitent heart.”

God's Blood Atonement:

For this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel (church of Christ) after those days saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their heart, and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people. And they shall not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying know the lord, for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. Heb. 8:10-13
And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you, and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh (rebellion) and will give them a heart of flesh (compassion). That they may walk in my statue, (righteousness), and keep mine ordinances (Christ's cross), and do them, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God. Ezek. 11:19-20
And when the fullness of time hath come, God brought forth his son, made of a woman (the second Adam), made of the law (law of condemnation), to redeem those who where under the law, that they might become the adoption of SONS. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts, crying Abba Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God, through Christ. Gal. 4:4-9
But the fearful, (proud), and unbelievers, and the abominable, and the whoremongers and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars (deceivers), shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Rev. 21:8

That you be aware, that you be born-again, that you know an apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you. For the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? Apb, The RAM

Prophecy Link

A Voice Declaring:
“A Prayer For Teens, great stress for teens on the map 06/07/2011

Cadence Nicole

Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19

I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158

For Salvation Pray: I'm sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me, cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again...Amen

Listening To: Selah: I Surrender All

Hurry Lord Christ and get us the victory…

A Ministry Above

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Repentance Is

Shaped In iniquity

Behold, I was shaped in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceived me
Psalm 51:5

From within out of the heart of man proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile the man JCON, St. Mark 7:21-23
Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God Rom. 3:22, 23

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, if we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness I John 1:8-10


Repentance is this painstaking format of coming to the reality that you could never, ever do this without God, that you exist in a pride, in a rebellion, even an insurrection most paramount if you ever thought you could. That now for such vainglory you’re to by Christ’s Cross of redemption seek God’s forgiveness.
It’s simple, all you’re doing is realizing you’re incapable of doing this, yes this walk through or by a valley of the shadow of death, of perilous groups of dissidents and vulgar encroachments all with a purpose to perform one thing in particular. That’s to overthrow God, the creation of God and slaughter as many human beings as is possible attempting so. It’s the unthinkable road, the narrow path perilous with stumbling blocks every biblical saint male or female, Jew or Greek, bond or free had to take there are no exemptions.
Notwithstanding there’s again that Cross who has not only fought this battle for us but has as well won the victory now to culminate all things unto His one thousand year reign. Simply forgive me God for my sins, for it’s defiance without end and by Christ Jesus’ Cross, it’s shed blood receive me into thy bosom again.
Agreeably it’s this simple, that mankind has went around the world and back, that untold millions have lost their souls, that God’s Son/Christ, his disciples after him have suffered unrealizable peril that you’re to come to the realization this is impossible without Them.
That the more you realize this on a daily basis the more you’re to realize everything you do prospers, as you’re to never, ever do a thing without them assisting you right alone. Truthfully without the entire Heavenly Host plowing the road ahead, including death, (immortal life), for to be separate from the spirit, is to be forever present with the Lord Jesus Christ. This unknowing, unbelief is what you’ve suffered all your lifetime because at unbelief’s root and thus at its harvest is nothing to gain but death (failure).
Truly when the home, the education system, the government, the church, even the grave. That just as we speak mankind’s’ life blood he’s to live with, food chain he’s to live by and earth he’s to live on is failing, what do you do? As so even the death and dying of either friend or foe, these military conflicts, whatever they’re to suffer are all bouts of nonsuccess because only the dead dying for Jesus the Christ shall be alive forevermore, remember, return and repent!

Also see

That You Be Aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostles of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Pbradfordm, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).

God begot Adam, Adam begot Eve, Eve begot Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ begot The Rising…APB ©copyright the RAM 2007-2010 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Repent Ye!

Nicole XXVII

How Long, O Lord, Holy And True?


-“My goodness,” looking up from his drink at the bar did a cheerful Vincent Dante find himself face to face with an astonishing thing. “I see you made it to New York, yeah, I see you remember, -Ctentri right, yeah I remember, I thought I would take you up on your offer.” “Just how did you find me?” “Ahhh,” having glanced curiously around the night club soon seeing a kind wave of Phearson McPhearson, did he get up, with this guess following, to join him. “I thought you told me you would never be caught dead in this place again, well Vince I guess you can say I’ve done a lot of dying since.” “I had to bring Ctentri here to you, he said he felt lead of the Lord, even the spirit, that he couldn’t let you Vince get away.” “It’s not of God, what?” Having a smile of uncertainty to whether Vincent was talking to him or Phearson, did he rub a nervousness as this into his slacks, a defective glance about. “What you’re seeking Ctentri, it’s not of God and if Holy Spirits did indeed lead you here, that’s what I’m supposed to tell you, actually we, it’s what we’re to tell you.” “What make you, how, why are you so certain?” “You’re talking about same sex relations right, courtships, marriages?” “There’s only one god Ctentri that can give you what you’re searching for and it’s not the God of heaven, not unless He’s to abandoned His own will for mankind, even this Christ Lord, Jesus.” ”You ever heard of the Genesis, of Adam and Eve?” “of course, I know about God ancient of years ago creating one man, -and that one man Ctentri not just male and female, but husband and wife, you have to then realize this is God’s will for mankind despite the passage of time, male and female, husband and wife.” “Yeah, yeah, you think I haven’t heard this all before, ok Ctentri, what is sin?” “What you mean what is sin?” “All unrighteousness is sin, but whose to say, ---sin is a transgression against the righteousness of God, and same sex relations fit under the banner of fornication, right?” “Unless you’re married, ---if it’s not, if Ctentri it’s not of God how will you ever justify it marriage or not?” “People are allowed to transgress against God everyday, twenty-four hours a day, it doesn’t mean it’s justified by God, but that man, like God is free to practice his own will, he’s even free to kill and die but after this, --I know, I know, reaping what’s sown, the judgment await.” “Though if sodomy can never be justified, not only is it fornication, it is a transgression against the body.” “It’s the one sin, that is a transgression against the body, the very body Holy Spirits want to take and make into the temple of God.” “The temple of God Ctentri is where God in all of his glory, power and mercy dwell, it’s the Christ citing, destroy this temple and in three days it shall be rebuild.” “Yeah, it’s what the Supreme Christ was describing to the Samaritan woman, how the cathedrals and the temples and churches and congregations would all be done away with.” “That for whatever purpose they served would now be performed individually within each believer, now serving God in spirit and truth and where not even the gates of hell could prevail.” “But, but, it’s not possible, talk about away with the middle wall of partition, the entire assembly would, I know, like Jesus, they would fight us to the death, but without prevail.” “No, no still, what you’re saying that would make us like god, more like the Christ Lord, who was God manifested in the flesh.” “My Jesus in heaven,” displaying a gasping sigh of bedazzledment at falling back into his seat, of all he was seeing and hearing. Truly, the very implication, the sure glory, even divinity of what he was seeing, two of the most gorgeous men in the world, most of all what he was hearing. “Even guys if what you’re saying is true, I couldn’t do it, --no, none of us can, as you say, do it, it’s why we have to surrender.” “It’s why Ctentri we have to lay down our arms so to speak that they’re to do it, God’s will through us.” “You must be born again,” passing away into a blank awareness at quoting this especial Christ of them all, at thinking what indeed had he got himself into, indeed who where these guys? “Yes, but most of all Ctentri you must be willing, willing because the Supreme heavenly host cannot, and the emphasis Ctentri is on can’t, they cannot go against your free will.” “Only as you reconcile with them, and yield your will forthwith do they then by a spiritual intervention inexpressible." "Do they then begin to shape your heart, unto your mind, unto your soul into a holiness of the Lord Father Supreme, yeah the only sacrifice the Holy Lord will not despise.” “It make sense, flesh and blood, sin, cannot inherit, this is why they hated him so, but they only got a glimpse of what you guys are telling me now, yeah, but even this indication of God’s form of righteousness Ctentri, right there manifested in flesh jeopardized and imperiled all things they’d believed and taught since father Abraham.” “And, and, what make you, how do you, what make you guys so sure?” “It’s the truth, the truth according to the living and righteous word of God, it is this greatest testament of all at God’s will for the spiritual will of mankind.” “We haven’t Ctentri told you anything that isn’t according to the living word, just ask yourself, what is God’s will for not only this life, but mostly for your eternity?” “As you just quoted, if flesh and blood can’t inherit God’s Kingdom, then how does flesh and blood then transform to Holy Spirit, how do sinful flesh become Holy?” “The Supreme Christ born of a free will, tempted at all points inherited God’s Kingdom because he gave over his will to the will of God.” “Yeah it happen to me right here, well not right here, up there, sitting at that bar, coming here was everything and all things.” “It was like clockwork, my favorite thing of all to do, then all of sudden this particular night I saw things in a light.” “In a revelation if you will like I’d never seen it before." "I know Vince I never told you this, but I suddenly glanced about the entire club and I said to myself, all these people are going to hell, and I’m going with them.” “I didn’t know it then, but it was a breaking through of the illusive veil pulled over our sense of spiritual awareness from our mother’s womb." "Though now like you Ctentri, I begin to know and to accept and believe what was by Holy Spirits made known to me.” “That’s why you abandon the club, yes, that ‘s why, this belief didn’t come easy, the truth was like stabbing thieves all over and through, because I didn’t want it to be true.” “I didn’t want the will I treasured so to be hostile to God’s will, even a hatred and a rebellion, but there it all was.” “There, in the Supreme’s living word, forget choosing the will of a perverse lifestyle, though from my mother’s womb, I was a transgression against God as all are, cursed.” “So you guys are saying this is what has brought me to New York, to you two?” “We’re saying this, as you say is Holy Spirits will for all mankind, they will not Ctentri leave you ignorant therein, again, God’s will, that mankind, all of them, us, is to dwell like Holy Spirits, in the house of this Lord Father forever.”

That you be aware, that you be born-again, that you know an apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you. For the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? Apb, The RAM
Cadence Nicole

Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19

I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158

For Salvation Pray: I'm sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me, cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again...Amen

Listening To: John Starnes: Midnight Cry

Hurry Lord Christ and get us the victory…

A Ministry Above